
Dzogchen is an profound system of contemplative practice preserved in the Tibetan contemplative tradition (primarily in the Nyingma and Bön lineages). This regularly updated page contains some select materials on the topic.

Introductory information

What is Dzogchen by Alex Berzin

Video: Dzogchen – The Great Perfection by B. Alan Wallace

Video: Dzogchen and the science of the mind by B. Alan Wallace

The Four Seals, Mahāmudrā and Dzogchen by the Dalai Lama

Books on the history, context, and personalities of Dzogchen

Blazing Splendor by Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche

Calling the Lama from Afar by Jampa Kalden

A Small Golden Key by Thinley Norbu Rinpoche

History of Dzogchen by Dr. Alex Berzin

Books on the foundational aspects and preparation to Dzogchen

Stilling the Mind by B. Alan Wallace

Fathoming the Mind by B. Alan Wallace

Open Heart, Open Mind by Tsoknyi Rinpoche

Dzogchen Essentials compiled by Marcia Binder Schmidt

Sadness, Love, Openness by Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche

Being Human and a Buddha Too by Anne C. Klein

Open Mind (translated by B. Alan Wallace upon the request of the Dalai Lama)

The Crystal and the Way of Light by Namkhai Norbu

The True Source of Healing by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche

Dzogchen instruction commentaries

Mind in Comfort and Ease by the Dalai Lama

Dzogchen by the Dalai Lama

The Heart of Meditation by the Dalai Lama (a video teaching on the same text here)

The Collected Works of Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche, Volume 1 (Union of Mahāmudrā and Dzogchen)

The Great Secret of Mind by Tulku Pema Rigtsal

Penetrating Wisdom: The Aspiration of Samantabhadra by Dzogchen Ponlop RInpoche

From the Bön tradition:

Awakening the Luminous Mind by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche

Wonders of the Natural Mind by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche

Courses and series to take for practical instructions

Short and introductory

A Lamp to Dispel Darkness by Mipham Rinpoche with commentary by B. Alan Wallace: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3

A Summary of the View, Meditation and Conduct by B. Alan Wallace: Part 1 | Part 2

Playlist: Garchen Rinpoche – Union of Mahāmudrā and Dzogchen

Playlist: Dreaming of Reality: Sleeping, Dreaming and Dying in Tibetan Buddhism with Lama Alan Wallace


(Most of the ones below are available under annual Wisdom Academy subscription)

Śamatha and Vipaśyanā in the Dzogchen Tradition with Lama Alan Wallace

Introduction to Dzogchen with Lama Alan Wallace

Open Mind with Lama Alan Wallace

Restricted Dzogchen Teachings, Part 1

Restricted Dzogchen Teachings, Part 2

Restricted Dzogchen Teachings, Part 3

Restricted Dzogchen Teachings, Part 4

Dzogchen Teachings for Mountain Retreat with Lama Alan Wallace

Longchenpa’s Sevenfold Mind Training with Anne Klein

Most elaborate

If you want to train to prepare yourself for Dzogchen step by step, in a gradual manner, while receiving daily instruction and practicing Tara, and you feel a connection to Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche, explore the Tara’s Triple Excellence program here