Seven Points of Mind Training:
Mastering the Art of Attitude-Bending
Materials for the 10-part course on the Seven Points of Mind Training (Lojong Döndünma)
Annotated translation of the root text (by Alex Berzin)
Video and audio recordings
YouTube Playlist (Video) with different mind-training talks
Full SoundCloud Playlist (Audio)
Session 1 (Introduction and First Lines):
Session 2 (Four Mental Revolutions):
Session 3 (Introduction to Ultimate Bodhicitta):
Session 4 (Instructions of Ultimate Bodhicitta):
Session 5 (Completing the Ultimate, Beginning the Conventional):
Session 6 (Completing the Discussion of Conventional Bodhicitta)
Session 7 (Beginning Point 3)
Session 8 (Completing Point 3)
Session 9 (Point 4 – Practice for a Whole Lifetime)
Session 10 (Avalokiteśvara and Points 5 to 7)
Recommended books
Main guidebook:
The Art of Transforming the Mind by B. Alan Wallace
Additional commentaries:
Enlightened Courage by Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche
Extensive Explanation of “Seven Point Mind Training” by Alex Berzin
The Great Path of Awakening by Jamgon Kongtrul Lodro Thaye
The Seven-Point Mind Training by B. Alan Wallace
A Commentary on the Seven Point Mind Training Practice by Geshe Lama Konchog
Seven Steps to Train Your Mind by Gomo Tulku
Guided meditations
Approaching the Buddha of Compassion with OM MANI PADME HUM
Tuning In To Refuge and Bodhicitta
Conventional Bodhicitta
Tonglen For Periods of Discomfort
Additional prayers and devotional practices
Ambrosia for the Mind: A Prayer for the Seven Points of Mind Training by Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo
Prayer to the Lineage of Seven-Point of Mind Training by Gyalse Thogme Zangpo
Blissful Path to the Ocean of Bodhicitta by Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche
Additional readings and materials
On karma
Introduction to Karma – Dr. Alex Berzin
The Main Points About Karma – Dr. Alex Berzin
The Relevance of Karma in Our Daily Lives – Dr. Alex Berzin
Ethical Discipline: Overcoming the Compulsiveness of Karma – Dr. Alex Berzin
Avoiding the Ten Destructive Actions – Dr. Alex Berzin
On loving kindness and compassion
Four Immeasurables Materials with Michael Lobsang Tenpa
Four Immeasurables Introductory Course with Michael Lobsang Tenpa (Free)
On tonglen
Garchen Rinpoche on a special form of tonglen from Khenpo Munsel
On dying and rebirth
A book by Lama Zopa Rinpoche: How To Help Your Loved Ones Enjoy Death and Go Happily to their Next Rebirth
On antidotes to afflictions