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FREE and ONLINE: Creating Compassionate Identities Info Session at Tibet House

Free introductory session
Hosted by Tibet House
Saturday, August 7th 1-3pm EST

Creating Compassionate Identities (CCI) is a training program that arose at the intersection of social engagement and contemplative practice. Inspired by the ideas of the Indian philosopher Shantideva — and the "universal responsibility" teachings of the Dalai Lama — CCI takes the participants through three consecutive steps that help them establish a better foundation for compassionate perception of the world and wise commitment to social change.

In this free information session Lobsang Tenpa will take us through an overview of the three main steps of the program—essentially, an exploration of how a dance between our conventional identity and our spacious natural awareness can empower us to better show up for ourselves and others. The session will include a guided meditation and some time for Q&A.