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Ondy Willson – Exploring Our Vision of the Path

July 09, 2022 | 6pm – 8pm BST

Lobsang Tenpa will serve as the MC for this class

Understanding our deeper aspirations—beyond the foundational wish for happiness and wellbeing—can be tricky at times. What are the gifts we can give to the world, and, equally, what are the gifts that we need in order to feel safe and fulfilled in our journey?

While many people can benefit from simply considering these points and journaling about them, many answers can also be gleaned from using guided imagery exercises. In accessing the creative, luminous aspect of our own mind, we can cultivate a deeper understanding of the unique path that we want to follow to uncover our basic goodness.

This webinar with mindfulness and Buddhist teacher Ondy Willson will include basic explanations, an elaborate guided practice, an opportunity to ask questions about the meaning of the experience, and space for journaling about it. Registered participants will receive the recording and supporting materials that they continue working with.